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Animal Rescue and Care

Rescuing and caring for native animals is a physical and sometimes exhausting exercise. It's also one of the most rewarding things you can do with your time and money.


If you are an animal lover, who appreciates learning about our unique wildlife - please consider joining one of the many native animal rescue and care organisations.


Volunteers are very thin on the ground, and there are not many people who carry the load for all. Please note that keeping native animals without a license is illegal and heavy penalties can apply.


Unfortunately there is no government funding, if you are lucky vets will donate their time to the cause - which is appreciated.


People are always required who can assist with rescue - running animals to vets, or checking pouches, and caring - the labour, time and money part of the exercise.


We also need people who are willing to help fund-raise and the take this burden off the carers and rescuers.


If you are interested in any of these jobs, please get in touch and we can discuss.


Wildlife rescue and care is immensely rewarding, an amazing chance to learn and ultimately a privilege not widely experienced. Getting to know these animals has been one of the best things we have ever done.



Animal Rescue and Care: What We Do
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